Here you will find documentation of the various API's found in AtheOS
both the highlevel C++ API and the lowlevel "C" API's available to
applications and the device-driver API used when writing device and
filesystem drivers for the kernel. There still is not very much documentation
available though, especially of the low-level API's so the best
advice if you want to learn how to programm for AtheOS is to look
at the source-code of the various utilities/drivers available and also
reading the header files to see what is available. Writing documentation
isn't my favourite but I try to document new functionality as I implements
it and also keep documenting existing functionality.
The highlevel documentation at least list all classes and their members
but far from all members are properly documented.
The AtheOS V0.3.7 C++ API
The next two are very incompleat but it's a beginning. Only a very small
subset of the actually available functions and syscalls are currently
Documentation of
the AtheOS V0.3.7 device driver API
Documentation of
the AtheOS V0.3.7 system calls
This documentation is also included in the base distribution of
AtheOS. You can find the documentation under /atheos/Documentation
after installing the base archive.